Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It turns out that many of the ABS systems can be repaired by replacing a faulty controller board. I believe that the dealer price for this can range from $800 - $1,000 while an independent mechanic can do it for about $650+. Circuit boards shouldn't be faulty like this, it was a faulty design that should be covered by the warranty but apparently it is covered on the lower-end VWs and not the Audi...one would think that the customers who pay for quality, brand, service and extras would be treated AT LEAST the same as the customers who don't...go figure.


Blogger ShutHerBug said...

I decided to take an active roll in getting this thing recalled by placing the following note on the appropriate Passats:

Dear Passat Owner:
If you are experiencing issues with your ABS brakes, please report it to the NHTSA at http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/ivoq/index.cfm
or call them and file @ (888)327-4236
so that we can get this defective ABS control module recalled.
Fellow Passat Owner

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are things standing at the moment? No posts since 2007? Did Audi recall the defected ABS units?

I am asking as since a few weeks I am having the same problem with the ABS unit on my 1998 A6,Q,2.8ltr Avant.

Dealer wants to let me pay 1000 euro for replacement.

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem with my 2000 Audi.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my 1998 Audi A6 Quadro. The red brake light is blinking and the ABS yellow light is on. I took it to 2 local shops and they both indicated that the ABS unit is faulty and needs a replacement. Both shops check the sensors and they're good. The guy did a wire map from the reading and found that the ABS unit is defective.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, With all the recent focus on car safety and recalls, I think now is the time to press this. Did you ever make any progress? I don't think the Office of Defects is smart enough to figure out that a part across audi and VWs is the main culprit and issue a recall. I put another call out to folks to submit reports here. http://www.passatworld.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173334&page=23

11:38 PM  
Blogger Mr. Gibbons said...

I have a 1998 Audi A4 Quattro, and just got these brake light problems myself. Has anything happened since? The only thing that can cause a recall is a higher volume of complaints or deaths reported to the NHTSA, but these posts are all from 2007 or earlier. I searched for Audi recall online, and I'm seeing a lot of complaints, but no actual recalls from Audi. Any ideas?

8:58 AM  
Blogger Mike Hogan said...

All I can think of is to make noise and that's why I started this blog. I have since sold my Audi and I won't buy another one. But I doubt that this will spur Audi to action either.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2006 T5 Transporter. Same lights, same problem,same attitude from dealer.

In the process of getting it looked at for repair as opposed to a $2000AU replacement.

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My wife and I have a 2005 A6 3.2 and we are having the same probablem and was quoted by an independant German auto care center $1650.00 to repair it. I bought an Audi so I could drive it trouble free for many years and that is not the case with this one! Bradley

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Online Traffic School said...

Companies treat a customer like a God when we are about to buy a product and after we purchase there products and encounter some issues in the products then come the issue. We some times need to fight for our right to get a quality product for the money we pay.

Before we purchase any thing we need to do some research and then go for it.

4:46 AM  
Blogger Johnalvar said...

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5:22 AM  

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